English conversation practice with audio (Part 2)

English conversation practice

English conversation practice with audio. (Part 2)

It is the part 2 English conversation practice of the tutor and Jam. They continue their talks about the same topic. This time they have used some harder words in their conversation, which will help you in your speaking and listening. In “part one”, the conversation they used simple words that generally we use for introductions.

A) Tutor: What does your family like about you? 

B) Jam: My family likes me to play football instead of watching movies.

A) Tutor: Which one do you prefer?

B) Jam: I love both of them, but I must obey my father too.

A) Tutor: Does your father let you go out with friends?

B) Jam: Yes of course. But, he usually asks me to get home earlier. He advises me to spend most of my time with my wife and child.

A) Tutor: Do you live in a joint family?

B) Jam: Yes we do. We spend most of the time together.

A) Tutor: How do you manage your home work?

B) Jam: We do all the work together. My father leads the family, but most of the homework is done by my mother.

A) Tutor: Does your father govern your family correctly?

B) Jam: Yes! Sure he always advises us to help each other’s. He has distributed all the homework.

A) Tutor: What role your mother has at home?

B) Jam: My mother has complete authority after him.

A) Tutor: What activities are given to you?

B) Jam: I work most of the time outside, but sometimes I take my family for an outing.

A) Tutor: Where do you go for an outing?

B) Jam: Most of the time we go to restaurants, but some time to parks.

A) Tutor: What kinds of dishes do you like?

B) Jam: I like all the dishes, though I am vegetarian.

A) Tutor: Do you like eating rice or meat?

B) Jam: I prefer rice to meat.

A) Tutor: How about fruits, what kinds of fruit do you like?

B) Jam: I like, apples the most.

A) Tutor: What about watermelon?

B) Jam: Watermelon is a good apple but I like sweet melon more.

Exervise. Listen to conversation agian and fill out the blanks correctly.

A) Tutor: What does your family like about you? 

B) Jam: My family likes me to __________ instead of watching movies.

A) Tutor: Which one do you prefer?

B) Jam: I love both of them, but I _________ my father too.

A) Tutor: Does your father let you go out with friends?

B) Jam: Yes of course. But, he ____________ me to get home earlier. He advises me to spend most of my time with my wife and child.

A) Tutor: Do you live in a _______________?

B) Jam: Yes we do. We spend most of the time _____________.

A) Tutor: How do you manage your homework?

B) Jam: We do all the work together. My father _______ the family, but most of the _________ is done by my mother.

A) Tutor: Does your father govern your family correctly?

B) Jam: Yes! Sure he always _________ us to help each other’s. He has distributed all the homework.

A) Tutor: What role your mother has at home?

B) Jam: My mother has complete _____________ after him.

A) Tutor: What activities are given to you?

B) Jam: I work most of the time _______, but sometimes I take my family for an outing.

A) Tutor: Where do you go for an outing?

B) Jam: Most of the time we go to ____________, but some time to parks.

A) Tutor: What kinds of dishes do you like?

B) Jam: I like all the dishes, though I am ___________.

A) Tutor: Do you like eating rice or meat?

B) Jam: I __________ rice to meat.

A) Tutor: How about fruits, what kinds of fruit do you like?

B) Jam: I like, _______ the most.

A) Tutor: What about watermelon?

B) Jam: ___________ is a good apple but I like ______________ more.

The correct answers are given down. Check them out, and rectify your sentences.

  1. B) Jam:My family likes me to play football instead of watching movies.
  2. B) Jam: I love both of them, but I must obey my father too.
  3. B) Jam: Yes of course. But, he usually asks me to get home earlier. He advises me to spend most of my time with my wife and child.
  4. A) Tutor: Do you live in a joint family?
  5. B) Jam: Yes we do. We spend most of the time together.
  6. B) Jam: We do all the work together. My father leads the family, but most of the homework is done by my mother.
  7. B) Jam: Yes! Sure he always advises us to help each other’s. He has distributed all the homework.
  8. B) Jam: My mother has complete authority after him.
  9. B) Jam: I work most of the time outside, but sometimes I take my family for an outing.
  10. B) Jam: Most of the time we go to restaurants, but some time to parks.
  11. B) Jam: I like all the dishes, though I am vegetarian.
  12. B) Jam: I prefer rice to meat.
  13. B) Jam: I like, apples the most.
  14. B) Jam: Watermelon is a good apple but I like sweet melon more.

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