25 adjectives examples in sentences.
Adjectives are words that are modifying nouns and pronouns. They are one of the parts of speech. Adjectives can come in three different positions in the sentence. There are 25 adjective examples in sentences. Check them out and learn their usage.
She is a beautiful girl.
She speaks modern .
He is a nice boy.
A shy girl is coming in.
The man is clever .
The teacher is intelligent .
They are naughty boys.
I have many dull students.
The obedient students are present.
She is an attractive girl.
The wise man is perfect.
The inactive guard is fired.
She is calm in class.
They make noise in the hall.
The driver drove fast .
Being sharp , he could catch the thief.
The deaf student is deemed today.
The light is dim .
I have a bright room.
A perfect man can solve it.
I am vigilant .
Being excited I caught him.
The infant is cute.
There are few students in the class.
More people can take part.
More adjective examples in sentences to learn.
Abundant Accurate Addicted Adorable Adventurous Afraid Aggressive Alert Ambitious Ancient Angry Annoying Anxious Arrogant Ashamed Attractive Awesome Awful Better Bad Brave Bored Boring Big Broad Bias Calm Clean Comfortable Confused Clean Clumsy Cute Cruel Dim Dread Dangerous Depressed Dull Deaf Doubtful Dirty Dry Dusty Daft Early Elegant Embarrassed Encouraging Enthusiastic Excellent Exciting Expensive Fabulous fast fearful
What is an adjective?
what is the simple present tense?
Use these adjectives examples in sentences to become perfect in it.
Fabulous Faithful Fast Funny Forgetful Fantastic Fearless Great Greedy Happy Sad New Old Fast Fresh Up sad Active Harsh Tasty Sour Bitter Hot Cold Icy Sharp Strong Weak Warm Freezing Dry Wet Fresh Old Slimy Sticky bitter