Conversation about weather and seasons with Audio

Conversation about weather

Easy Conversation about weather and seasons.

Talking about weather and seasons is common in everyday conversations, especially when learning English. If you want to learn English vocabulary related to the weather like “hot,” “cold,” “muddy”, and “sunny,” or learn more about the different seasons, Then you have to listen to this conversation. It is between two persons Tutor and Dave. They talk about whether it is somehow sunny. 

One fun way to practice English conversation is by discussing the weather or other listening conversations with other students. You can ask questions like “What’s the temperature like where you are?” or “What’s your favorite season?” By discussing weather and seasons in English, you can share experiences and learn new phrases. It’s a great activity for intermediate ESL students who want to practice small talk and improve their language skills.

Tutor: “Good morning! Dave! How are you doing?

Dave: “Good morning miss” I am fine how about you?

Tutor: I am fine too. What a beautiful day it is today.”

Dave: “Yes, it’s sunny and warm. Feels good!”

Tutor: “Definitely. I’m glad it’s not raining like yesterday.”

Dave: “Me too. Rain makes everything wet and muddy.”

Tutor: “True. But sometimes it’s nice to have a cool breeze.”

Dave: “Yeah, fresh air is always nice for health.”

Tutor: “Did you know we should try to keep the air clean?”

Dave: “Why is that?”

Tutor: “Because it’s healthier for us and for the planet.”

Dave: “Oh, I see. That’s important.”

Tutor: “Yep! Let’s enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.”

Dave: “Sounds good! Maybe we can go for a walk later.”

Tutor: “Sure that sounds like fun.”

Dave: “Alright, let’s do it!”

Tutor: I think it is perfect for fishing.”

Dave: “Sure is. But I hope it doesn’t get too hot later.”

Tutor: “Yeah, that would be tough. But at least it’s not raining.”

Dave: “True. Rain can really mess up our plans.”

Tutor: “Hey, did you see those big clouds forming over there?”

Dave: “Yeah, looks like a storm might be coming.”

Tutor: “Hope it passes quickly. Don’t want to get caught in a downpour.”

Dave: “Agreed. Let’s keep an eye on it and finish up our work.”

Tutor: “Sounds good. Then maybe we can grab a cold drink and relax.”

Dave: “That sounds perfect. Here’s to good weather and good company.”

Tutor: “Cheers to that, Dave!”

Dave: “Definitely. Thanks for the chat. It’s always good to discuss these important topics.”

Tutor: “Likewise. Take care, and stay safe.

Excercise, Listen to the English Conversation about weather and seasons again. Fill out the blanks.

Tutor: “Good morning! Dave! How are you doing?

Dave: “Good morning miss” I am ___________how about you?

Tutor: I am fine too. What a beautiful day it is today.”

Dave: “Yes, it’s _________and _____________. Feels good!”

Tutor: “Definitely. I’m glad it’s not raining like yesterday.”

Dave: “Me too. Rain makes everything _________and ___________.”

Tutor: “True. But sometimes it’s nice to have a cool breeze.”

Dave: “Yeah, ____________ is always nice for health.”

Tutor: “Did you know we should try to keep the air clean?”

Dave: “Why is that?”

Tutor: “Because it’s _____________for us and for the ___________.”

Dave: “Oh, I see. That’s ____________.”

Tutor: “Yep! Let’s enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.”

Dave: “Sounds good! Maybe we can go for a _______________.”

Tutor: “Sure that sounds like fun.”

Dave: “Alright, _____________ do it!”

Tutor: I think it is perfect for fishing.”

Dave: “Sure is. But I hope it doesn’t get too ______________.”

Tutor: “Yeah, that would be tough. But at least it’s not raining.”

Dave: “True. Rain can really ______________ our plans.”

Tutor: “Hey, did you see those big clouds forming over there?”

Dave: “Yeah, looks like a ______________might be coming.”

Tutor: “Hope it passes quickly. Don’t want to get caught in a downpour.”

Dave: “Agreed. Let’s keep ______________ it and finish up our work.”

Tutor: “Sounds good. Then maybe we can grab a cold drink and relax.”

Dave: “That sounds ____________. Here’s to good weather and good _____________.”

Tutor: “Cheers to that, Dave!”

Dave: “Definitely. Thanks for the chat. It’s always good ______________ these important topics.”

Tutor: “Likewise. Take care, and stay safe.

Check out the answers to rectify your answers.

Dave: “Good morning miss” I am fine how about you?

Dave: “Yes, it’s sunny and warm. Feels good!”

Dave: “Me too. Rain makes everything wet and muddy.”

Dave: “Yeah, fresh air is always nice for health.”

Tutor: “Because it’s healthier for us and for the planet.”

Dave: “Oh, I see. That’s important.”

Dave: “Sounds good! Maybe we can go for a walk later.”

Dave: “Alright, let’s do it!”

Dave: “Sure is. But I hope it doesn’t get too hot later.”

Dave: “True. Rain can really mess up our plans.”

Dave: “Yeah, looks like a storm might be coming.”

Dave: “Agreed. Let’s keep an eye on it and finish up our work.”

Dave: “That sounds perfect. Here’s to good weather and good company.”

Dave: “Definitely. Thanks for the chat. It’s always good to discuss these important topics.”