+1000 Phrasal verbs meanings and examples

Phrasal verbs, meanings and examples

Phrasal verbs meanings and examples.

The English Language has 8 parts of speech. The verb is the main part of a sentence that plays an important role. It is a word that shows actions, conditions, state of being, and possessions.

Indeed, phrasal verbs are idiomatic phrases that have different meanings from their original words. Best Phrasal verbs meanings and examples.

Sometimes, students get confused about prepositional verbs and phrasal verbs. So what about prepositional verbs? They are the group of words that contain verb + prepositions.  Like laughing at, looking at. In this article. There is more about Prepositional Verbs List With Examples in detail. Indeed, learn the 1000 most common phrasal verbs list with meaning.

Phrasal Verbs + in (Verb + in.

Phrasal verbsMeanings Examples within sentences.
check-inTo register (hotel or airport)Do you know how to check in at the hotel?
drop inInformal visits to a person or place.I desire to drop in my friend’s home.
end inTo bear the situation.Her marriage ended in divorce.
get inTo enterHow did you get in slowly?
give inTo hand in; submitThey gave in the homework quickly.
hand inTo submit (report, homework)Before Sunday, we shall hand in the report.
join inTo participateShould I join in the meeting now?
move inTo arrive in a new home or officeHow can they move in the room without permission?
chip into helpWe must chip in the poppers.
cut into interruptYour father cut in while I was dancing.
break-into interrupt, to enter without informing.While the class was going on, he broke in.
hang inBefore you log in check the password correctly.Hang in there. I’m sure you’ll find a job very soon.
log in Sign in (to a website, database, etc.)You are allowed you turn in the paper.
believe inTo feel confident about sth / s/oneShe believes in me having a tour.
Come inTo enter a home, room, or placeHe came in to check out the room.
Drop inand make an informal visitDid she drop in today?
Fill inTo add your information.I want to fill in a form for this vacancy.
Lock inTo put into a safe place.Due raining the children were locked in.
put inEnter a potHow did they put in without permission?
Turn inTo give something in authority.You are allowed if you turn in the paper.

Phrasal Verbs (Verb + on):

Phrasal verb’s meanings and examples can clarify the grammar very well. Read out the given phrasal verb meanings and examples carefully.

Phrasal verbsMeanings Example within sentences.
try onTo wear something to seeI tore the jacket while trying it on.
take onTo hire or engage staff The dean can only take on the new employees.
rely onYou can rely on your parents only. As I kept on working 24 hours got ill.  
put onTo turn it on, switch it onIt’s very dark in here. Please put on the light.
look onWatch out.As I was looking he fled.
look down onTo consider higher, admire.They tried to look down on everyone.
keep onTo continue doing somethingAs I kept on the work 24 hours got ill.  
hold onTo wait.  I hold on to the call, due to the noise.
get onTo board (bus, train, plane)She tried to get on the bus.
focus onTo concentrate on somethingFocusing on the paper is necessary.
drag onTo continue for an unknown timeTheir fight dragged on for many years.
count onTo depend on.Counting on strange can be difficult.
cut down onTo reduce in number or sizeThe parent cut down on the packet money.
carry onTo keep continueBeing old she cannot carry on the burdens.
brush up onTo improve, reviseThey brushed up on everything before the exam.

(Verb + off).

Phrasal verbsMeaningsExamples within sentences.
wipe offTo clean (board, table).The females can wipe off correctly.
take offTo leave the groundThe plane can take off if the way is clear.
show offboastfully display one’s abilitiesBeing shown off and neglected by friends.
set offTo start a journey;In the morning we set off on our trip.
put offTo postpone, ado  Can I put off the meeting at any other time?
nod offTo fall asleep being tired.At night, I nod off quickly.
kick-offTo begin,As the game kicked off we entered the ground.
get offcome out of the vehiclesOn the road, we should not get off our cars. 
ease offslow down (pain, work)In the evening, we ease off the work.
drop offTo fall asleepI’ll drop it off later today.
call offTo cancelAs we called off the class the rain stopped.
block offTo separate using a barrier.Due to a block off-street, we could not go.

(Verb + of).

phrasal verbs meaningsExamples within sentences
take care ofTo look afterHow can you take care of the children?
get out ofTo avoid doing somethingAs I get out of sin, I feel relaxed.
break out ofTo flee from prisonThe criminal broke out of jail easily.
get rid ofTo eliminateShe got rid of old cars. 
make fun ofTo make fun of.Making fun of elders can be immoral. 
run out ofTo have no more of something.As I ran out of energy, I went to bed.

(Verb + out).

Phrasal verbsMeanings Examples within sentences
watch outTo be careful, to be activeYou are the man to watch out for everything.
wear outTo become very tiredThe man got worn out working the whole day.
work outTo do physical exerciseShe should work out too much for the final game.
take outTo removeIn holly places, we must take out our shoes
rule outTo eliminateThe queen can rule out everyone in a chess game.
put outTo finish.Can you put out the problems?
pass outTo faintShe could pass out as being active.
move outTo leave your locationIf he moves out I will be in his place.
leave outTo omit.To be riched we have to do without extra expense.
iron outTo eliminate differencesThe master can iron out their problems
hand outTo distributeIf you handed out charity, you will be considered kind. 
hang outTo spend time.Did you hang out in the station for a long time?
get outTo leave, to stay away.She tried hard to get out of that hurdles. 
figure outTo understand, find the answerI don’t know how to figure out the math questions.
fill outTo complete the form.Before, getting on the plane, we are needed to fill out the form.
find outTo gain information,The man could find out his mistakes soon.
do withoutTo manage alone.For being riched we have to do without extra expense.
cut outTo remove something with the help of some instruments.I can cut out the clothes with scissors.  
check outTo get the idea, or pay the bill.Let me check out the hotel bill first then we leave.

Verb + For

Phrasal verbs Meanings Examples within sentences
account forTo explain, give a reasonI hope you can account for the time you were out!
allow forTo take into considerationWe need to allow for unexpected charges along the way.
apply forTo make a formal request for something (job, permit, loan, etc.)He applied for a scholarship for next semester.
stick up forTo defendMy big brother always stuck up for me when I got into a fight.
look for somebody/ somethingtry to find something

They are looking for a new book.
look out for being watchful forThe teacher looks out for students carefully.
Ask forTo request something.The man asked for urgent help in the hall.
Care forTo nourish someone.She went for this post in a hurry.
bTry to gainShe went for this post in hurry.
Go in forEnter willingly.She went in for discussion.
Stand for to assist, support we stand for justice.

phrasal verb + into

Phrasal verbs Meaningsexamples within sentences.
appeal toTo request, appealWe appealed to stop making noise.
run intoTo approached   Being angry he ran into you man and started fighting.
look forward toTo anticipate with pleasureThey are looking forward to their parents.
look up toTo admireThe lion suddenly got into a cage and frightened us.
get intoTo enterDid she get back into work by increasing her pay?
bump intoa meeting by chancebumped into him at the hotel.
break intoTo enter by forceThe thief broke into the building and stole everything.
get back into To be interested againDid she get back into work by increasing the pay?
Grow into  somethingBecome large enough to fit.She got into that jacket after one year.
look into To investigate somethingThe girl looked into the faces of the criminals and shouted.
Build intoTo add an element to somethingThe builders want to build into the home more work.
Go intoTo enter through the door.I don’t want to go into the hall alone.
Plug intoTo connect a wireShe plugged into the connector carefully.
Talk intoTo persuadeCan I talk him into the room? He is unwilling.

Phrasal verbs meanings and examples: phrasal verb + down

Phrasal verbs Meanings Examples within sentences
calm downBecome relaxed, and decrease your anger.The mothers know how to calm down their children.
let downTo disappointBeing alone I feel let down in my state.
turn downTo refuse, to rejectShe turned me down to attend the party.
back downTo withdraw, defeatThe engineer backed down in their new project. 
break downcease to functionMy car broke down on the road suddenly.
die downbecome weakBy getting old by day he died down slowly.
sit downTo take a seatAfter the teacher entered the class, we sat down.
break something downand make it into minor partsShe could break the car down into scrap.
bring somebody downmake unhappyThe children brought us down by making noise.
cut something downmake something fall to the groundThe trees are being cut in the ground down manually.
fall downFall to the groundI couldn’t take the frame it fall down from the wall.
hand something downTo give something to othersThe teachers must hand the books down to students.
let somebody downTo disappoint someoneBeing an elder I don’t let him down in my state.
Put something downRecord something in writing.How could you put the thoughts down in the book?

Phrasal verbs meanings and examples: phrasal verb + up

Phrasal verbs Meanings examples within sentences.
add upTo add the amount or degreeThe man added up the facts in the discussion.  
back upSupport, make a copy ofI back up the important file quickly.
blow upExplore, get angryIf you blow at him, he will leave the job.
boot upTo make changes in a computer system or programBooting up the computer will delete spam. 
bring upTo nourish a baby.Mothers can bring up their children better than fathers.
join upTo become a member ofHow is the tree will?
hurry upTo be quick/ speed.Hurry up man we have to rich on time.
hang upTo end the call.When you hang up, we will start the meal. 
grow upTo nourish.Working so hard, enabled him to catch up with John.  
give upstop performing somethingWorking so hard, enabled him to catch up with John.  
get upto leave the bed, get upIf I get up early, they will go jogging.  
end upTo finally reach a state, place, or actionThey will end up being lazy.
draw upTo write (contract, agreement, document)They drew up a contract unanimously.
dress upTo wear new clothesAs she was dressed up in new clothes, attracted me.
clam upTo refuse to speakWhen clammed up the conflict finished.
break upTo end (marriage, relationship)She broke up with her husband due to money.
Catch upApproaching to same positionsWorking so hard, enabled him to catch up with john.  
makeupTo create stories or excusesDid you make up the false story yourself?
own upTo confess somethingHardly had she owned up to the murder?

Phrasal verbs meanings and examples: phrasal verb + at

Phrasal VerbsMeaningsExamples within Sentences
get atTo imply, gain access toHe wished to get (at/to) work after many attempts.
Keep atContinue performing.To keep at work, I got exhausted this year 
Look atTo examine somethingDid you look at the machine closely?
Aim atTo plan, intent at, to hopeThe father aims at their children for a better future.
Get back atTo gain revengeShe wanted to get back at him for unjust activity.

Phrasal verbs meanings and examples: phrasal verb + with

Phrasal Verbs Meanings Examples within sentences
agree withSame opinion as someone else.If we agree with them, the situation will be fine.
deal withTo handle, controlI can deal with hard situations easily.
get on with (something)To make progress, keep continuingDue to a heart operation getting on with her life was difficult for her.
keep up withRemain at the same levelWe do exercise daily to keep up with better health.
Stick withTo keep continue doing something.By sticking with their studies, she got a position.
Put up withTolerate the situationIt’s hard enough to put up with him anymore.
Monkey around withTo something carelesslyThe new learners enjoy monkeying around with their equipment.
Live withTo share the placeI never live with nonsense people.
Go withTo agree,He went with them to open a new shop.
Do withTo end up,I can bear him, this work should be done with.
Get on (well) with somethingsHaving a good connection withShe gets on well with new friends quickly.
Get away with somethingsTo perform without any fear of the law.Due to lazy rules, criminals get away with stealing things.
Go out with somebody to dateTo have a date with someone.The girl has been going out with that boy every day.
Come down withStart to suffer from any illness.The old man came down with corona.

Phrasal verbs meanings and examples: phrasal verb

Phrasal verbs Meanings examples within sentences.
Turn overReceived amount of money in business.The turnover of staff was confusing in the hall.
Tell apartBeing able to differentiate( people/ things)He could tell the twins apart. Do you know how to tell them apart from each other?
Take apartSeparate the partsIf you take it apart from the original will be spoiled.
Stick aroundRemain in/ near some things.She stuck around the class to gain knowledge.
Stand aroundTo continue doing.She was standing around the head to gain money.
See AboutDeal with something.The man searched a lot to see about the new post.
Run acrossMeet by chanceI ran across him on the ground.
Run aroundBeing too busyHuman beings run around all day.  
Put togetherAssemble somethingsThe engineer put together the machine parts.
Put pastPerforming selfish activity.The ignorant will put it past him by deceiving.
Put awayTake food too muchIn the hall, he puts away all the food in the pot.
Put backTo return to the proper place.They put back the papers in the cupboard.
Pull through somethingGet better after a serious illness.Being energetic he will pull through quickly.
Plan aheadTo plan aheadWe need to plan ahead about situations.
Look aroundTo explore  The teacher looks around the class before students start class.
Lie aroundPass time uselessly.By laying around all day, he missed the class.

Simple Present tense, simple past tense, The parts of speech