Addition to remarks exercises – Rejoinders

additions to remarks


Addition to remarks exercises (So do I, So am I, neither do I, etc.)

Affirmative additions to affirmative remarks’ structure: So + auxiliary + subject.

  • Tom writes a letter. So does Jerry. 
  • John wants a ball. So am I.
  • She plays football. So Do I.
  • They must come home early. So must we.
  • He went to class late. So did I.
  • I have bought a new car. So has she.

Negative additions to negative remarks.  The formation is with nor/neither + auxiliary + subject.

  • Tom does not write a letter. Neither does Jerry.
  • John does want a ball. Neither do I.
  • They can’t come home early. Neither Do we.
  • He did not go to class late. Neither did I.
  • I have not bought a new car. Neither has she.

Negative additions to affirmative remarks: The structure formation is but + subject + auxiliary + n’t/not.

  • Tom wrote a letter. But Jerry did not.
  • John wants a ball. But I don’t.
  • They can come home early. But we can’t.
  • He went to class late. But I did not.
  • I have managed the program. But she has not.

Affirmative additions to negative remarks are made with but + subject + auxiliary.

  • Tom did not write a letter. But Jerry did.
  • John doesn’t want a ball. But I do.
  • They can’t come home early. But we can.
  • He did not go to class late. But I did.
  • I haven’t managed the program. But she has.

Additions to Remarks definition.


Additions to Remarks(rejoinders) which are called rejoinders in English. It means to add your idea (agreement or disagreement) to someone else remarks. We call it rejoinders (addition to Remarks) too. It is like tag questions. But, it has gotten a slight difference from tag questions. We use some specific phrases to agree or disagree. Additions to Remarks has a particular rule whether we agree or disagree with anyone’s remarks. We will study this in detail in this article.

Definition of rejoinders in English Grammars.

rejoinder is a short and quick reply to a question or remark.

Positive addition to positive remarks & negative addition to positive remarks.

  • So/neither
Remarks (affirmative) Agreement (positive) Negative (disagreement)
I am a student. So am I. I am not.
We are united. So we are. We are not.
She could win the game. So could I. He could not.
They played football. So did she.  We did not.
He had driven the car well. So had they. They had not.
John has done his duty. So have I. She has not.
  • Neither.
Remarks (negative) Agreement Disagreement
He cannot speak. Neither can I. I can.
She does not fight. Neither do I.  I do.
It will not break the glass. Neither will he. She will.
They have not defeated them. Neither have we. She has.
We did not win. Neither did them. He did.

Special note about additions to remarks:

Sometimes students get confused about the additions to remarks. Adding your idea is too easy if the remarks have any helping verb (auxiliary verb). But it would be unclear if there isn’t any helping verb but only the main verb.  For instance:

  • I will bring the paper. So will I.

 In this sentence, we use the formula so + helping verb from the first remarks, but if the sentence doesn’t have any helping verb then it would be confusing.


  • I plug the flower for her. So plug him.   Wrong.

In such sentences, we use the helping verb of the same sentence. Like.

What is the present indefinite tense? what is simple past tense?

I plug the flower for her. It is in the simple present tense. So we use the auxiliary verbs of the same tense, “does” and “do”.

Remarks Agreement Disagreement
I plug the flower.   So do I. But, it does not.
She plugged the flower. So did I.  But, I did not.
They drove the car. So did he. But, she didn’t.
We go to school every day. So do we. But, they do not.

More examples of addition to remarks exercises:

A positive addition to positive remarks.

Subject + helping verb + too/ also.

So + helping verb + subject.


Positive Remarks Positive Additions Positive Additions
I will do the homework. I will do that too/ also. So will I.
They will find the man We will too/ also. So will we.
She lost the coin. We did too/ also. So did he.
He found the man. We did too/also So did we.

Positive Additions to negative remarks.

But + subject + helping verb.

Negative Remarks Positive Additions
I will not do the homework. But I will
He does not feel good. But I do.
She never respects me. But they do.
They had not eaten. But we had.
We could not manage. But she could.

  Negative additions to positive remarks.

But + subject + helping verb.

Positive Remarks Negative Additions
I will do the paperwork. But I will not
She can sing a song. But he cannot.
They found the solution. But we didn’t.
John has many friends. But Kim does not.
You were not fit. But she was.

Negative additions to negative remarks.

Neither/nor + helping verb + subject

Negative Remarks Negative Additions
He has not brought the plate. Neither has her.  Nor has she.
They did not allow us. Neither did we.
John could not swim. Neither could he.
I do not like him. Neither do we.
Kamran has not washed the coat. Neither has her.

Related Grammars: Active and passive voice, direct and indirect speech, direct and indirect questions

Agree or disagree with the following statements—in addition to remark examples(rejoinders exercises).

  1. I can’t play the game.
  2. She does her homework
  3. You are so lazy.
  4. She is cooking her favorite dish.
  5. Ali & Reza want to fight.
  6. He didn’t know English.
  7. They have not gone to Karachi.
  8. We can defeat them.
  9. They wanted some apples.
  10. He is going to go to Bazar.

simple present tense, adjective

20+ examples of either and neither within the sentence.