Present Continuous Tense.

Present Continuous Tense is used to talk about an action that is going on at the time of speaking. In this article, we will study in detail the Present Continuous Tense. Tense itself means time. So let’s talk about this continuous tense. We have to grab first the meaning of the title


  • Present means currently (which includes at the time of an action.)
  • Continues means going on.
  • Tense means time.

Present continuous tense definition.

So any action that is going on at the time of speaking is called present continues tense.


Present continuous tense formula.

A) Positive structure:

Subject + helping verb + 1st verb (ing) + object.


  • She is washing the clothes.
  • He is talking to me.
  • We are reading a book.
  • They are sitting on the grass.
  • The cat is jumping.

B) Negative Structure:

Subject + helping verb + not + 1st verb (ing) + object.


  • She is not washing the clothes.
  • He is not talking to me.
  • We are not reading a book.
  • They are not sitting on the grass.
  • The cat is not jumping.

C) Interrogative Structure:

Helping verb + Subject + 1st verb (ing) + object?

  • Is she washing the clothes?
  • Is he talking to me?
  • Are we reading a book?
  • Are they sitting on the grass?
  • Is the cat jumping?

D) Negative-interrogative structure:

Helping verb + not + subject + ist verb (ing) + object?

  • Is not she washing the clothes?
  • Is not he talking to me?
  • Are not we reading a book?
  • Are not they sitting on the grass?
  • Is it not the cat jumping?

Present continuous tense exercises.

Fill in the blanks correctly and use the present continuous tense.

  1. You are _______ to news. (listen, listening)
  2. He _____________ the movie. (is watching, are watching)
  3. I ___________ learning English. (am, are, is)
  4. Khan and Golfer ______________playing football. (are, is, am)
  5. Our teacher ___________teaching us present continues tens. (are, is, am)
  6. Your friend ________ going to the cinema. (are, is, am)
  7. Their relatives’ __________traveling to Iran. (is, are, am)
  8. I am_____________the food. (Cooked, cooking.
  9. They __________the movie. ( are watching, watch)
  10. We ___________ speaking now. ( is, are )
  11. At school, I am __________ the book. (read, was reading, reading).
  12. Kamran is______________ the paint.( draw, drawing )
  13. Shumaila is not ____________ in the class. ( fights, fighting)
  14. Kamran & Taniya _____________ working hard. ( is not, are not)
  15. King_____________ the public.( is ordering, are ordering).

Answers: Check out the correct answers and rectify your one.

  1. You are listening to the news. (listen, listening)
  2. He is watching a movie. (is watching, are watching)
  3. I am learning English. (am, are, is)
  4. Khan and Golfer are playing football. (are, is, am)
  5. Our teacher is teaching us the present continuous tense. (are, is, am)
  6. Your friend is going to the cinema. (are, is, am)
  7. Their relatives are traveling to Iran. (is, are, am)
  8. I am cooking the food. (Cooked, cooking.
  9. They are watching a movie. ( are watching, watch)
  10. We are speaking now. ( is, are )
  11. At school, I am reading a book. (read, are reading, reading).
  12. Kamran is drawing the paint. ( draw, drawing )
  13. Shumaila is not fighting in class. ( fights, fighting)
  14. Kamran & Taniya are not working hard. ( is not, are not)
  15. King is ordering the public.( is ordering, are ordering)

Put ‘t’ for the correct one and ‘f’ for the False one, use the present continuous Tense.

  1. I am writing a letter.
  2. She were reading books.
  3. They are linking them.
  4. We was fighting now.
  5. He is like the movie.
  6. Shumaila were drinking milk.
  7. Kamran and Shumaila was speaking.
  8. Kamran is reducing the amount of money.
  9. I is living in the area.
  10. John & khan were singing.
  11. We are proud of you.
  12. Kamran and Elfin was plugging the switch.
  13. Nelofer is noting down the book.
  14. I and Shumaila are learning English.
  15. They are do the work now.

Answers: check out the correct answers and rectify your one.

  1. I am writing a letter. true
  2. She were reading books. false
  3. They are linking them. true
  4. We was fighting now. false
  5. He is like the movie. false
  6. Shumaila were drinking milk. false
  7. Kamran and Shumaila was speaking. false
  8. Kamran is reducing the amount of money. true
  9. I is living in the area. false
  10. John & khan were singing. true
  11. We are prouding of you. false
  12. Kamran and Elfin was plugging the switch. false
  13. Nelofer is noting down the book. true
  14. I and Shumaila are learning English. true
  15. They are do the work now. false

MCQS (Multiple-choice questions for present continuous tense.)

Fill in the blanks with the correct present continuous tense.

  1. Why _______ you ______? 
  • Did, shouting
  • Are, shout
  • Are, shouting

 2) Please be quiet, the doctor ___________.

  • Is working
  • Is at work.
  • Was working

 3) Why are you ___________ that fish? It smells terrible.

  • Smell
  • Smelling
  • Is smelling

4) She ______________ her favorite game.

  • Are watching
  • Is watching
  • Was watching

 5) I think your phone is ___________.

  • rings
  • Ringing
  • ringed

  6) The students ____________ their homework.

  • do
  • does
  • doing

 7) They ___________ to their teacher. 

  • listen
  • are listening
  • was listening

 8) John is _______________ outside for you.

  • waits
  • waiting
  • waited

 9) Why ____________ you sleeping here?

  • did you
  • Are
  • were

10) Shane is lying down on the roof.

  • Lying
  • Lie
  • Lied

    11) They are ______________a new shop.
  • Opening
  • Opened
  • Opens 

    12) Why ______________ he playing football tomorrow?
  • He isn’t
  • Isn’t he
  • Is he?

    13) We are ______________the movie.
  • Watching
  • Watch
  • Watched

  • 14) I _____________ at the noon.
  • Like work
  • Am working
  • Is working.
    15) They _______________ my dinner right now.
  • Eating
  • Are eating
  • Was eating

    16) My sister _________________ to learn Spanish.
  • Was preferring
  • Is not preferring
  • preferring

  • 17) When is he _______________to home?
  • Come
  • Coming
  • Gone

    18) Where is she __________________now?
  • Gone
  • Going
  • Has gone

  • 19) They are ________________games on time.
  • Play
  • Playing
  • played

20) Is she _______________the books?

  • Reading
  • Reads
  • read

The answers are listed down, check it & make your answers correct.

  1. are, shouting
  2. is working
  3. smelling
  4. is watching
  5. Ringing.
  6. Are doing
  7. Are listening
  8. waiting
  9. are
  10. sleeping
  11. opening
  12. isn’t he
  13. watching
  14. am working
  15. are eating
  16. is not preferring
  17. coming
  18. going
  19. playing
  20. reading

worksheet Exercises.

Present continues tense (worksheet)

Related Tenses

Simple Present Tense

Present perfect tense

Present perfect continuous tense