What is a verb | regular & irregular verb?

what is a verb?

What is a verb?

A verb is a word that shows action, condition, and state. In this article, we will study verbs in detail. The verb two main kinds’ static verbs and dynamic verbs. It is considered the heart of a sentence. A sentence without verbs does not give any meaning. So every sentence should have a main verb whether it is a dynamic or a static verb.

Regular and Irregular verbs

1) Regular Verbs

They are the verbs that form 2nd and 3rd forms with ‘d’ or ‘ed’. If the verb ends with a vowel, only ‘d’ is added.


Base form (1st form )2nd form 3ed Form
Move MovedMoved
Shareshared shared

Example within the sentence.

  • I moved to the next room.
  • She shares the information.
  • They were dazed.

If the verb ends with a consonant, ‘ed’ is added at the end of the second and third forms.

1st form of the verb. 2nd Form of the verb 3rd Form or the verb
AcceptAccepted Accepted

Example within the sentence.

  • I enjoyed the game.
  • He killed the wild animal.
  • She played very well.

2) Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs are those verb that forms their 2nd and third form with different spelling. They do not take “ed” or “d” at the end.

1 st form of the verb 2nd form of the verb.3rd form of the verb
Is, are, amWas, wereBeen
Do, doesDidDone

There are no specific terms or rules to follow for changing them into the 2nd and 3rd forms. The only option is to memorize them by practicing.

Example within the sentence.

  • I think he will come.
  • she writes a letter.
  • I thought he would come. 
  • She wrote a letter.
  • I thought he had come to the party.
  • She has written a letter.

More related grammar:

  1. Parts of speech:
  2. The figure of speech:
  3. Conditional sentences: