Important 7 Reflexive pronouns | Definitions-examples

Reflexive Pronouns (“Self”, “selves”)

Pronouns are used in place of nouns to avoid repetition of nouns, but what about reflexive pronouns? We have reflexive pronouns in English which are sometimes called self-pronouns too. They are used to reflect back on the subject. Their structure is created with ‘self’ in singular and ‘selves’ in plurals at the end of possessive adjectives. For instance:

IYou(singular)HeSheItWeYou (plural)Thye

Usages of the reflexive pronouns.

Reflexive pronouns are used at the end of the sentences, and they refer back to the subject. Like:

  1. I washed the clothes myself.
  2. She plays the music herself.
  3. He locked the door himself.
  4. It cuts the rope itself.
  5. You drive the car yourself.  (Singular pronouns.)
  6. We went to the park by ourselves.
  7. They cleaned the room themselves.
  8. You should bring everything yourselves.

We can use reflexive pronouns after subject also to emphasize more. It is called emphatic pronouns. So if you want to emphasize more on something do use them after the subject of the sentence.

  1. She herself cleaned the entire room.
  2. He himself climbed the mountain no one forced him
  3. You yourself should fill out the form.
  4. John himself wrote the letter.
  5. It itself jumped over the wall.
  6. They themselves dug the road.
  7. We ourselves got justice from him.
  8. You yourselves should maintain the class. 

Reflexive pronouns can be used with by phrase also. When we use them without “by phrase” It means we are not sure whether anyone has assisted or not, but if we use them by—–self it clearly means alone and without any help.

  1. She did all the homework by herself.    (With anyone’s help, alone)
  2. He could mix them by himself.     (Alone)
  3. I can do it by myself.
  4. The parents must bring the children to school by themselves.
  5. You can wash the car by yourself.
  6. You can wash all the cars by yourselves.
  7. Did they cut the grass by themselves?
  8. Kim goes to school by himself.
  9. Had they prepared the function by themselves?
  10. When did we beat him by ourselves?

Related Grammars:

Simple Present Tense, Parts of Speech