Relative Pronouns | who | whom | when | that

Relative Pronouns

What are Relative Pronouns?

Pronouns replace nouns, what are relative pronouns? Relative pronouns are used to connect two clauses. In additions. They are used after the preceding nouns (people, things, animals, or ideas.) to which they refer. For example “the man, who is very brave. Or “the teacher, whom we talked to.

Relative pronouns are “who, whom, that, which, whose, when, why, where, whoever, whomever, whenever, wherever.

Relative pronounsusagesexamples
whopersonThe man, who is kind
WhompersonThe man whom we talk to
ThatPersons, things, and  animalsThe table that I took.
WhichThings, ideaI like the picture, which she made.
Whoseshows possessionThe cat, whose tail is long.
WhenFor time.At the same time when she comes.
WhyReason, ideaI don’t know why she is late.
WherePlaceUK where I live.

Relative Pronouns Examples

Check out the examples given for relative pronouns. Please read them carefully and use them in your sentences too.

  1. He is the man whom we know.
  2. She is a student who got a position.
  3. Karachi is a beautiful city where we live.
  4. This is the table that I broke.
  5. The man, whom we know, is ill today.
  6. Whoever comes on time, we will give them the paper.
  7. I will leave the class whenever the principal arrives.
  8. This is the idea that was given by him.
  9. The man, who is standing outside the door, is our principal.
  10. Let’s join the class, whoever will be the teacher.
  11. I found the student who fled from class.

Indefinite Pronouns
Interrogative Pronouns
Distributive Pronouns
Relative Pronouns
Reflexive Pronouns
Personal Pronouns

Relative Pronouns Exercises. Have a look over the following exercises which will increase your knowledge related to relative pronouns.

  1. He is the student _________________got the first position.
  • A) whom
  • B) that
  • C) who

2. The man, ___________is a genius, broke the rule.

  • A) whom
  • B) that
  • C) who

3. The teacher collected the papers ____________are checked by students.

  • A) where
  • B) that
  • C) who

4. She bought the car ___________is updated.

  • A) which
  • B) that
  • C) who

5. The country in ____________we live is progressing.

  • A) where
  • B) that
  • C) which

6. I saw the cat _______is running downstairs.

  • A) which
  • B) that
  • C) where

7. This is the book ________I love to read.

  • A) in which
  • B) that
  • C) who

8. ________________went first to the store, we will catch him.

  • A) Whoever
  • B) whatever
  • C) who

9. I saw the person ___________ stole my keys.

  • A) when
  • B) that
  • C) who

10. I can find a man _________you don’t know.

  • A) whom
  • B) which
  • C) who

11. _______________________I should go, he will find me.

  • A) Wherever
  • B) that
  • C) whomever

12. There are many changes ____________we don’t know about.

  • A) whom
  • B) that
  • C) who

13. People, ______________we called, are active.

  • A) whom
  • B) which
  • C) when

14. How to find the person ___________brought the meal to our table?

  • A) whom
  • B) that
  • C) whoever

15. ____________place he finds, we will build our office.

  • A) where
  • B) that
  • C) Whichever

The following are the answers to the above exercise.

  1. He is the student who got the first position.
  2. The man, who is a genius, broke the rule.
  3. The teacher collected the papers that students checked.
  4. She bought the car which is updated.
  5. The country in which we live is progressing.
  6. I saw the cat which was running downstairs.
  7. This is the book that I love to read.
  8. Whoever went at first to the store, we will catch him.
  9. I saw the person who stole my keys.
  10. I can find the man whom you don’t know.
  11. Wherever I should go, he will find me.
  12. There are many changes which we don’t know.
  13. People, whom we call, are active.
  14. How to find the person who brought the meal to our table?
  15. Whichever place he finds, we will build our office.

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